Watching: The Big Bang Theory

1. How to build a chair poster @IkeaDelft #poster #chair #IKEA
2. Ze zien er prachtig uit maar de macarons van Jordino (A'dam) zijn vooral erg zoet. #macarons #jordino
3. New Supermaggie mystery tee's #Supermaggie #mysterytee's #elephant # thankyounote
4. Finally a finsihed library @UU #uu #utrechtuniversity #universiteitutrecht #utrecht #letterenbibliotheek
5. Happy licenseplate @The Sunshine State
6. Bubblebath @ Hilton hotel Orlando #hiltonhotel #orlando #bubble #hiltongrandvacationresort
7. Private beach of the Waldorf Astoria @Key West, Florida #WaldorfAstoria #TheReach #KeyWest #Florida #Waldorf
8. Pier @Waldorf Astoria, The Reach, Key West, Florida #keywest #waldorfastoria
9. Reading The Tales of Beedle the Bard @private beach of Waldorf Astoria The Reach, old town, Key West, Florida #waldorfastoria #beach #jkrowling #TheTalesOfBeedleTheBard #keywest #florida
10. Reading 'The Tales of Beedle The Bard' in my new bathing suit @Key West
11. Waldorf Astoria notepad @The Reach, Key West, Florida #waldorfastoria #keywest
12. Dark 'n stormy float @5NapkinBurger Miami, Florida #Miami #GingerAle #rum #Dark'nStormy
Time ended: 19.06
Watching: The Big Bang Theory