Watching: Upstairs, Downstairs
Ik loop een beetje achter met mijn instagram foto's, sorry dus voor het hoge kerstgehalte in deze My week in instagram pictures.

1. Tony chocolonely Sinterklaas wrapping paper #TonyChocolony #sinterklaas#pakpapier #WrappingPaper
2. Eating Jamie Oliver ('s food) First time I tried Brussels sprouts, actually pretty good with lemon and garlic butter#JamieOliver #christmasDinner#brusselssprouts #AH #lilac
3. Christmas tree in front of the palace @Lange Voorhout, Den Haag
4. Koninklijke Schouwburg from Paul Steenbergen Foyer #ks #theatre
5. Paul Steenbergen Foyer #ks #theatre
6. Koning Willem I Foyer @Koninklijke Schouwburg
7. Harts in trees
8. Christmas left-over#NoBakeNutellaCheesecake#dessert#christmas
9. Miniature Christmas tree #miniature#ChristmasTrees
10. Preparing completely home-made grand desserts #GrandDessert #home-made#christmasdinner
11. More Christmas left-overs! #sachertörte#sachertaart #sacher #cake#christmasdinner #ChristmasLeftOvers#chocolate #ChocolateCake
12. Miniature canadian maple syrup#ThomasGreens #MapleSyrup
Time ended: 19.54
Watching: Upstairs, Downstairs
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